Intro to DVD Backup Версия для печати   

Most of us own at least a few DVD movies. The DVD has all but replaced the once popular VHS format. Unfortunately DVDs are not very durable. You may find yourself wanting to create backups of your DVD movies. This can be useful to increase the life of your movies as well as for additional purposes such as removing region locking or converting from PAL to NTSC. Since dual-layer discs are still quite costly, most of us choose to use the older 4.7GB discs which are much more affordable. Many DVD movies are larger than 4.7GB so that we can't make a direct copy of the DVD image from the original to our copy. For this reason we'll need to shrink the original video to fit. This process is easy to do.

To begin you'll need a computer running Linux and you'll need several programs installed. At least you'll need vobcopy, transcode, dvdauthor, and dvd+rw-tools. You should have either mplayer or xine installed so that you can test your finished DVD image before burning it to disc. Often these programs don't all come installed with your Linux distro but they should be easy to find packages for.

There are several graphical programs to ease this process but we'll assume that you're a command-line user and want to understand the processes involved. Load up your favorite console program and move into a working directory. You'll need access to your DVD drive so be sure to give yourself the permissions needed. You should make sure your have about 30GB of disk space to work on.

Опубликовал: San АНДРЕЕВ
Дата: 11.02.2005 | 13:54
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